I have been writing several books using Microsoft Journal and I often felt that there should be a better way to manage my projects.
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"I find this software just the right thing at just the right time.
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Offering it for free is a generous gift to authors everywhere." IN I now approach big writing projects without fear because your software helps me know I'll finish them no matter how crazy real life gets. It's allowed me to juggle all kinds of writing projects and break them down into pieces I can manage and track. "yWriter is the single most important piece of software I've downloaded in years. How many 100's of hours we have wasted in the overhead of writing that your software makes so easy? Thanks!" M.C. Having been involved in MANY technical writing projects, I have never seen software like this. The typing goals and ability to reorganize my work is. For what I am doing there are too many organization tools, but they don't seem to be getting in the way. a product that actually works and is easy to use.) I used the scene concept to organize concepts in the chapters. Chapters and notes were easy to put together. "I ignored the idea that your software is for novel writers and started writing my project with it. Selecting this translation converts yWriter into a tool for preparing sermons instead of novels!) N emailed me a translation file called Sermon5 which is now available in the Languages menu. Well, my search is now over! I have made a new translation called sermon 5. "For a long time I have looked for a tool to assist me in my sermon preparation to no avail. "In my 26 years as a software developer and consultant it is very rare to discover an application with such a wonderful combination of fit-for-purpose design, usability and efficiency." D.B. "After 20 years in the IT business I've gained a deep appreciation for programs that set out to do a specific job, then do it better than anything else.

The essence of genius beyond sweat is simplicity. Right now, I'm looking at 842 pages, no wrestling with 'feature glut', just so many headaches gone. In the last six months, I have a finished work. "After a long struggle with Word, I downloaded yWriter & yBook, and I just want to say "thanks" for a set of tools that think the way writers do. Thanks a million for creating something so user friendly, and then for offering it to us gratis." J.L. I must have shaken my head in wondrous disbelief five times today, as I used this software - "What?! I can just drag the characters and locations into the scene?!" "Wow - from what I just typed, that detailed story board just created itself?!" Love it, love it. I ended the day with a highly organized project, a definite sense of where I'm going and an enormous amount of confidence that I can see this book through to its end. After trying a few other writing programs that just didn't click with me, I installed yWriter5 and started organizing my myriad ideas into concrete chapters and scenes.
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"Wow!! This program is AMAZING! I started the day overwhelmed, with a million notes in different places on my laptop and iPad, a million ideas in my head and no idea about how to corral it all into a cogent manuscript. When it comes to editing, simply drag and drop chapters, scenes, characters and locations to re-organise as you see fit!" The 12 Best Writing Apps

It also tracks your changes by saving daily log files. " becomes VERY useful as your word count starts to climb higher and higher.