I really wish I could grab those shoulders, say these shoulders will bear so much weight, these arms will do so much heavy lifting, this back with literally & figuratively break… & you will never trade one milli-second of it for anything, because the love you will see, feel, give, the awe of looking at your child at any age or stage, everything is more than your imagination was or ever will be capable of envisioning….

What an amazing trip parenthood is!! If I could talk to that younger self, 17 yrs ago, there are a few things I wish I could impress upon myself. My son is 17-1/2, turning 18 this yr!! *mind-blown. Oh we are wiser as we grow older, it’s almost a shame, the wisdom, but also the thoughts of, I wish I knew this then…. If I could talk to my younger-mom-self 17 yrs ago… #THISisAutism #LifeThroughTheOtherLens #ig_autism #1in28boys #stressedout #AutismMom #myautism #autism #asd #singlemom #momlife #wellness #mentalhealth. This is life!! #stillcringingĭrop me a note if you want to hear more about wellness, nutrition, yoga, going plant-based (even partially), auto-immune, meditation… and wellness retreats starting this fall! No one is perfect, and I guess I’m trying to show you, I’m no different. In my case, I have so many stress hormones flowing, my vagus nerve is continuously firing, I have health issues that insist that I make the best food choices I possibly can, and yoga gives me relief in so many ways, stress, back pain, nerves, mental health. We can all have so many excuses to give up exercise, to eat poorly, to not take time for ourselves. We take care of ourselves not because it’s easy, but because it will make our lives better.
#Sugar sugar archies remix full#
Life is full of challenges and obstacles. I also want to let you know, this is why I do what I do for wellness. So here it is, you can see I was fighting tears in the first shot. But you know, this is life! It doesn’t mean I’m any less positive, or less grateful, it’s just one of those days! A couple of my autism-mom friends reached out and said, this was real, and good to share. I also think it’s my cultural upbringing to be strong, hold it together, look like it’s all ok. I have really disliked pointing out the negative, the stuff we always end up hearing about autism, when there is so much positive and wonderful parenting to be grateful for and to bring attention to. Screams, alarms, open doors in crazy rushing traffic, being thrown to the ground… I hesitated so much posting this (I did on a story on my yoga page, to test myself).