For now I’ll just stick to shuffling by making several face down piles of cards on the table and combining them again to one stack. 429K views 8 years ago Shuffles The riffle shuffle is one of the most well known card moves in the world. The Riffle Shuffle is the shuffle youll often see used in gambling contexts like casinos, and for serious card games. And whenever I try it, the cards also tend to fly around the room. From now on you need to mirror the actions of both of your hands, as you bring the packets together, and slowly riffle up the side of each packet simultaneously with your thumbs. def riffleshuffle (pileslist): scoredpile ( ( ( (itemposition + 0. I’m not particularly good at shuffling cards and one day Heinze had been looking around on youtube for some card shuffling techniques and came across the Riffle Shuffle! It looked amazing! I tried it with a cheap set of playing cards we had laying around and I can tell you that the cards are not very pleased. To do a riffle shuffle, you first split the deck into two equal halves, putting one in each hand. When you shuffle the infection deck discard pile in Pandemic (after the infection phase initiated by an epidemic card) and that same infection phase card ends up on top of the infection deck: people will (in)directly blame you for the outbreak! You shuffled the cards, so you must have done something wrong! Shuffling cards is a big responsibility in some games. There are shuffling algorithms in existence that runs faster and gives consistent results. A quick implementation of riffle shuffle would be something like following. Card shuffling! Quite an important part of card and board games. Sirius B V3 Playing Cards by Riffle Shuffle -Limited Comes in Mnemonica Stack with 7 of Hearts Faced Up in the middle (Impromptu Invisible Deck Routine). This involves cutting the deck into 2 halves so we get two sets of cards and riffle them such that at the end both halves gets interleaved.